The Cani 5Os Who are they Alison At 53, I started Cani-cross and I am hooked. First year was spent trying to keep up with everyone else. I got better…
The Cani 5Os Who are they Alison At 53, I started Cani-cross and I am hooked. First year was spent trying to keep up with everyone else. I got better…
Lousie and Henry are regular Cani-Fitters at our Ayrshire classes. Louise has Kindly shared her story with us and how exercise and in particular running with her dog Henry helps…
[column width="1/1" last="true" title="Kennel cough" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] Coughs and sneezes spread diseases It is that time of the year again. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases, and unfortunately our dogs…