On the Day
Maximum Enjoyment for You and your Dog
To ensure that both you and your dog get the most out of each session, it’s recommended that you follow the advice below.
Wear comfortable clothes you are able to exercise in. You will probably get sweaty and muddy and you need to be able to move freely so please dress accordingly.
Trainers are a must! If you have trail running shoes these are by far the best option but if not, ordinary trainers will do to get your started. You will be going off road and there will be puddles and some mud to add to the fun. Please wear sensible footwear that you are able to exercise in – wellies are not suitable. A dry pair of socks and shoes for drive home is always a good idea! Bring an exercise mat or towel to lie on for exercises/stretches afterwards.
In winter you will need a headtorch for evening classes.
Bring fresh water and your own dog bowl to give them a drink after the session as well as treats to reward once finished. You must bring poo bags to clean up after your dog. Please note that we encourage dogs not to share water bowls with each other so please bring your own. Please keep your dogs on the lead in and around the meeting points and car parks. It’s not always safe and some dogs don’t like others in their space.