Louise, Mental Health and her Cani-Fit Journey
Lousie and Henry are regular Cani-Fitters at our Ayrshire classes. Louise has Kindly shared her story with us and how exercise and in particular running with her dog Henry helps…
Lousie and Henry are regular Cani-Fitters at our Ayrshire classes. Louise has Kindly shared her story with us and how exercise and in particular running with her dog Henry helps…
[column width="1/1" last="true" title="Kennel cough" title_type="single" animation="none" implicit="true"] Coughs and sneezes spread diseases It is that time of the year again. Coughs and sneezes spread diseases, and unfortunately our dogs…
Winter canicrossing: why do we need a head torch anyway? “So do Cani-Fit classes only run in day time once the nights get dark?” “Do you move to street lit…