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Burridge Village Hall, Botley Road
Burridge, Southampton SO31 1BL United Kingdom

December 2020

Burridge – Cani-Hike

December 19, 2020 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Burridge, Burridge Village Hall, Botley Road
Burridge, Southampton SO31 1BL United Kingdom

Please take a few minutes to read our Covid-19 class information Cani-Hiking is a power walking only class . No running ! Come learn new routes, socialise your dogs with others, learn the basics of Cani-Fit at a fast walking pace. Suited to those who for whatever reason can not or do not want to run ! SO31 1BL Park towards the left of the car park at the opposite end to the hall. please note there is a height restriction…

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